Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Causes of WWI

WORLD WAR I was the result of the economic, imperialism and nationalism completions with countries. A major cause for the war was the Assassination of Francis Ferdinand, Duke of Austria-Hungary in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914 by a Serbian. they declared war on Serbia because the assassination of the Arch Duke was the spark that lid the fire.

Another cause of the war was Nationalism. Many ignored nationalism because they thought they would preserve peace. Nationalism unified Italy (1861) and Germany (1871). at the Franco-Prussian the French lost against the Germans and the French wanted revenge . Nationalism was a major problem in Austria-Hungary because they had man national groups and also the Germans supporting the Serbians with the Austrian- Hungarians.
The third cause was Imperialism. Imperialism created rivalry between the European Countries. Great Braitan Germany anf France conpeted for their economic expansion to Africa. Germany involved a war with Great Britain and Germany in North Africa. the Fall of the Ottam Empaire was attracting to the Austian-Hungarians , the Balkans and The Russians.

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