Thursday, October 22, 2009

Simon Bolivar And Latin American Revolutions

Simon Bolivar was born in Caracas,Venezuela in the year 1783. He fought for Liberty. Simon Bolivar is named El Liberator and the George Washington of South America
. He was famous because of his victories over the Spaniards won independence for Bolivia, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. Bolivia is named after Simon Bolivar because in the year 1824 he led the Peruvian forces to fight for their independence and was elected President in 1825. He then made southern Peru into a new republic and was named Bolivia in his honor. The French Revolution led by Napoleon Bonaparte was what influenced Simon Bolivar's quest for Revolution. Seeing what Napoleon accomplished, He says that he wouldn't stop untill the Spaniards are defeated. He had some defeats But he eventually won the Revolutions and freed Latin America from European power. He died in December 17, 1830 of tuberculosis.

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