Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Evolution Vs. Creation

The on going debate on how living organisms came to exist stems from two different theories ; The scientific explanation of Evolution and the religious explanation of Creation. The theory of Evolution was explained by Charles Darwin and other scientists. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is based on 5 inferences. The inferences are Variation, Completion, Offspring Genetics and Natural Selection. Organisms ass said by Charles Darwin have a common ancestor. There are variations in every population and organisms compete for limited resources such as water, space and food. Organisms are able to produce more offspring that are able to survive. Organisms are able to pass genetic traits on to their offspring. Organisms that have favorable traits are able to survive and reproduce more offspring this is called Natural Selection.

On the other hand the Theory of Creation is seen in the Bible. The bible says That God made the Earth and heaven. Then the day and night. Next the plants and animals. Finally, created man and woman and gave them all the authority to control everything on Earth and to produce more offspring.

In my opinion I believe in both theories, because if creation didn't exist then living organisms wouldn't be able to evolve and change in characteristics and physical change.

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