Saturday, December 12, 2009

Film Lesson: "Mountains of the Moon"

In the Film "Mountains of the Moon" Explorers John Speak and Richard Burton explored Africa. They faced a lot of hardships in their expedition in Africa. An example, is that they had trouble gaining the trust of the people they hired. Many of them ran away and betrayed them in the middle of the expedition. Another hardship they faced is the deceases the bugs carried like Malaria. Richard Burton also caught a decease that weakened his legs. The Europeans named the source of The Nile after a British queen. Its strange because an African lake is named after a British queen. its because the Europeans thought they discovered the Source first but the Native Africans already named it. That was the Europeans began imperialism. The Europeans had a lot of technological advantages. Like guns and powerful weapons. In a scene, Speak and Burton gave a handgun to a tribe's chief. The chief was amazed of the gun but the others were scared. Another technological advantage is that they had telescopes that allowed them to see things from far away. it was easy for Europeans to conquer Africa because of their weapons and ships. Their army had advantage and it was easy to take over the country.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

imperialism Project

We did the imperialism project to learn how the Europeans went around the world controlled of middle east, North and South America, parts of Asia and Africa. countries like France Spain Great Britain Italy Germany and Belgium. They had gold silver copper cotton tea canons and some slaves.